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    Deep Fusion X

    The world's first "Marine Intelligence Brain" AI management platform. By constructing a 1+3+N intelligent perception system, it not only achieves dual satellite communication,
    precise prediction of complex conditions, multidimensional situation assessment and forecasting, and collaborative control with multiple sources and loads,
    but also develops functions such as efficient integration of "wind, photovoltaic, storage, and hydrogen."
    It provides a new solution for the intelligent transmission, holographic perception, and collaborative control of integrated energy.
    Moreover, it is compatible with diverse energy applications such as wind power, hydrogen production, marine ranching, photovoltaic, and energy storage,
    laying a solid foundation for the integrated management and coordinated planning of comprehensive energy resources.

    Core Advantages

    Intelligent Transmission
    Using the dual communication technology of optical fiber and satellite, it builds a new "data bridge" to achieve real-time data transmission in seconds, improving the fault tolerance of traditional communication methods while supporting a variety of application scenarios such as emergency control and data transmission.
    Comprehensive Perception
    Based on the comprehensive perception data, a real-time performance-health-reliability fusion model is built to achieve comprehensive assessment and prediction of the device. It also integrates knowledge graph and big language modelling technology to achieve accurate on-site problem analysis and decision support.
    Meteorological Prediction
    Utilizing a meteorological-power forecasting model refined with spatiotemporal embedding, we can obtain detailed short-to-medium term meteorological and power prediction data for individual wind turbines. This provides a convenient and secure recommendation for intelligent scheduling and vessel dispatch. For offshore projects, it offers high-precision wave forecasts, further ensuring the safety of offshore operations.
    Joint Control
    Constructing a multi-objective algorithm model that integrates meteorological forecasting, performance assessment, grid friendliness, and unit safety, we have achieved coordinated scheduling of comprehensive energy sources such as wind power, hydrogen production, marine ranching, photovoltaics, and energy storage. The model enables real-time identification of the reliability of each energy unit, ensuring a new model of blue energy that prioritizes ecology and promotes diverse integration.
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